Organizational and Public Activity


·         Organization and founding of the Armenian Astronomical Society (ArAS), 1999-2001

·         Founding of the Isaac Newton Institute (INI, Chile) Armenian Branch, 2000

·         Secretary of LOC of IAU Symp. #194 (Byurakan, Aug 1998)

·         SOC member of the Colloquium on 2D Spectroscopy, held at SAO, Russia (2000)

·         Chairman of LOC and SOC member of IAU Col. #184 (Byurakan, June 2001)

·         SOC member of the COST VO workshop, held in Sofia, Bulgaria (Apr 2005)

·         SOC member of the IVOA Interoperability Meeting and Small Projects Meeting, held in Moscow, Russia (Sep 2006)

·         Chairman of LOC and Co-Chairman of SOC of JENAM-2007 (Yerevan, Aug 2007)

·        Organization of Anania Shirakatsi’s 1400th anniversary (2012)

·         Chairman and member of LOC and SOC of a number of other meetings organized in Byurakan in 1995-2009

·         Organization of astronomical summer schools in Byurakan (1995, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012)

·         Organization of astronomical Olympiads in Byurakan (1995, 1999-2012)

·         Coordinator of the International Year of Astronomy (IYA-2009) in Armenia (2009) and Beyond-IYA (2010)

·         Creation of a reference webpage for all major international summer/winter schools in the world (2009)

·         Creation of “Astronomy for Students” DVD, an educational database for astronomy students (2010)

·         Creation of “Astronomy for Schools” DVD, an educational database for school astronomy (2012)

·         Organization of scientific journalism affairs in Armenia (2010)

·         Co-organizer (convener) of JENAM-2011 SpS on Virtual Observatories, held in St. Petersburg, Russia (July 2011)

·         A number of public lectures at the YSU and Yerevan schools with physical-mathematical bias (2009-2011)

·         Organization of ArAS popular lectures in Armenian schools initiated by Prof. Yervant Terzian (2012)

·         A number of interviews to TV, radio, newspapers, and Internet sites on astronomical events, problems of astronomy and science

·         Participation in TV and radio programs on astronomy (Armenia, France, Australia)