The Astrophysical Virtual Observatories (AVOs) have been created in
a number of countries using their available databases and current
observing material as a collection of interoperating data archives and
software tools to form a research environment in which complex research
programs can be conducted. Among all these data, a large spectroscopic
database for all objects will be especially useful. The DFBS is exactly
appropriate and will be used for such a purpose. For this, the Armenian
Virtual Observatory (ArVO) is being
The DFBS database has to be used together with
other available data on the Internet, which are being accessed through
AVOs. The ArVO project includes the creation of a database of digitized
FBS spectra and its integration in AVOs, creation of a user interface
with a full access to all DFBS data as well as all existing data from
other databases. DFBS may be a major contribution to AVOs, giving full
access to its data by the astronomical community, including the
possibility of preliminary classification of any <18m
object for further study, and the possibility of selecting objects of
needed types from the DFBS. A quick optical identification of radio, IR
or X-ray sources will be possible by plotting their positions on the DFBS
plate and matching all available data. For this, an automatic
identification procedure for non-optical sources will be worked out
allowing identification for ~100,000 sources. An automatic search for new bright AGN in DFBS and a complete sample of V<17.5m AGN over
10,000 deg2 area are one of the main ArVO tasks as well.
The Armenian Virtual Observatory will be later complemented by the Digitized Second Byurakan
Survey (SBS) database, the
Byurakan photographic archive, and the Byurakan Observatory 2.6m telescope
observations, and will be a part of the International Virtual Observatories
Alliance (IVOA).
ArVO organization
ArVO development, integration and use
ArVO science projects